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Important Current Information

This section contains critical updates about ongoing events, changes in policies, and any other essential information related to our work with immigrants and refugees. Make sure to stay updated with the latest developments regarding collective deportations, support measures, and legal changes.

Important announcements can help you stay prepared for upcoming events, legal modifications, or community-driven initiatives to protect vulnerable populations.

Our mission is to keep you informed and supported during these challenging times. We aim to offer you timely, reliable, and actionable updates.

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Important Links

Here are some essential links to resources that might help you or someone you know:

  1. Legal Aid
    Find free or low-cost legal assistance for asylum seekers and immigrants. Whether you need help understanding the legal process or need representation, these services can guide you through your case.

  2. Asylum Process Information
    A detailed guide on how to apply for asylum, understand eligibility criteria, and navigate through the asylum process.

  3. Support Networks
    Discover organizations that offer aid to immigrants, refugees, and asylum seekers. From housing to social services, these networks can provide essential support.

  4. Government Services
    Access official government services and resources available for asylum seekers. Includes information about applying for work permits, residency, and healthcare services.